is an assumption that astrology must hold some magical secret that
determines who gets on with who, which sign will provide your ideal
partner and which your best lover (not necessarily the same thing).
A lot has been written in order to meet this assumption, but sadly most
of it is nonsense. There is no magic formula, no golden rule or set of
rules. No-one should make such decisions purely on the ideas of an
but... |
synastry |
a relationship reading work for you? |
a synastry study
takes two birth
charts and produces a combined relationship chart.
Synastry is a specialized astrological study carried out for two people
and based on their individual and merged charts. It is used for any
sort of combination - couples, business partners, parent/child,
sporting team-mates etc. Most people have an idea that
signs go well together whilst others are badly matched. Whilst it is
based on an element of observed truth, that element is both very small
and also a massive generalisation. For example, Aries subjects
generally have a common characteristic that makes them good soldiers.
An Aries characteristic that suggested the sign not to mix well with
say, Virgos might be seen as a firm rule by a Virgo not to take up with
an Aries but this would be equivalent to saying that all Aries subjects
become Generals. That said, there will very often be some
where an Aries and a Virgo would have a lot to work on, (as between
many potential pairings of signs) but having to work at a relationship
is very often a very good and strengthening thing. A synastry study
should be personal - based on your data and your partners, it can't be
general. A good synsatry study will be expensive - the astrologer needs
to analyse two charts in great detail, and then a third - the combined
chart. More than three times the work involved in producing a birth
chart and analysis.
One of the benefits of computerised astrology, aside from the number
crunching, is the 'generic' analysis. In short, once an
astrological event has been analysed and written up, the information
can be stored and, with a good system, automatically recalled whenever
that event occurs in a reading. Moon conjunct Pluto will always have
the same basic interpretation wherever and whenever it occurs, for
example. In this way, a computerised synastry study can be run.
The caveat here is a simple one - if your personal chart
by this generic system is impressive, it is likely that the synastry
reading will be fairly good too - generalised, of course, but with
useful pointers. Remember, though, that a good synastry study will not
just look at Moon conjunct Pluto, it will look at Moon conjunct Pluto
in terms of both person A & person B, and with reference to
relationship and the rest of the data. A human element is essential.
I will run generic synastry (mainly because few people are
prepared to run to the fees for a 'hand-built' study!) but I edit it
and interpret the generic data very specifically. Sadly, many
synastry readings invoke the old saying about horses and stable-doors.
Where this is the case, it is necessary to use the reading towards
finding some insight on what didn't work, or perhaps needed more work.
'If I change, will it then work?' is often a question, but it
begs more - can you change? - should you? - and - why should the other
person not be changing?Aside from the character and behavioural traits
of the people involved, which is all that synastry considers at a basic
level, there are additional dimensions involved, not least other people
and specific events. External influences can change and modify the
characteristics that synastry works from. A study can incorporate
specific dates in addition to the principle dramatis personae.
You can look at not just your Moon and John's, but at your Moon and
John's on a particular day. And maybe Gertrude's too (names have been
made up to protect the innocent, no reference to any real John and
Gertrude is intended).
let's say, your
interest is in the person you met just yesterday, and in the hot date
you've set for the weekend... could a composite chart be useful?
For one thing, it would be great way to test it out!
probem is, you would need the other person's birth data, and I'd
recommend that you were up front about it - it's a novel(ish) way of
breaking the ice. You could lash out and get a synastry study
done (you could even have horoscopic synastry for the up coming date in
addition to the character/behaviour stuff). If you have a
aquaintance with astrology - this site features all the basic
information you need, for example - you could actually have a go
yourself with just a simple birth chart for each person, to make a
basic composite chart of the potential relationship. You need
calculate your midpoints.
A composite chart is created by taking the 'midpoints' produced by the
combination of the couples' corresponding
planets. Each sign is
composed of 30 degrees, and the signs are continuous round the zodiac
from 0 degrees to 360: 12 x 30. For a composite chart you take the
whole numbers of the signs
and add them up.
Zodiac is:
from 0 - 29 degrees |
from 30 - 59 |
from 60 - 89 |
from 90 - 119 |
from 120 - 149 |
from 150 - 179 |
from 180 - 209 |
from 210 - 239 |
from 240 - 269 |
from 270 - 299 |
from 300 - 329 |
from 330 - 359 |
if your Sun is at 20
degrees of Aries
your Sun number is 20. If your partner’s Sun is 8 degrees of
Sagittarius it is 248 (in degs of the whole zodiac, Sag starting at
240degs),. Add
the two of them together, 20 + 248 = 268, then divide by 2,
134. That means that the midpoint of your Sun and that of your
partner is at 14 degrees of Leo (which starts at 120 degs).
is the Sun for your composite relationship chart.
Do the same
for all the planets: the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Chiron, and the North Node. Also for
your combined Ascendants and for the Midheaven. Once you calculate all
the above, you have a very detailed chart of the relationship you share
with the person in question. Bearing in mind how simple this
study is, you will also have a very clear idea of just how much
astrologer's earn their fees!
You will need to use on-line references to interpret the chart you've
made, or find a good Astrology textbook - I recommend Parkers'
Astrology, its in all good book stores.
One last point - I mentioned the need to have your birth data (and your
partner's) - you will not be able to produce an accurate relationship
chart without birth times.
The Ascendant & MidHeaven are an essential part of a
relationship chart and without accurate birth times they will just be
guesswork, the Moon's position could also be wrong.
Like to learn more
Astrology without being bombarded by ads for dubious talismans, tacky
jewellery and magic rituals that will ensure you win huge amounts of
cash? Astrology Source is the pick of the internet's
sites. Get your free 10 part article 'Understanding Astrology' without
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long as you accept the generalities inherent in the process, basic
astrological info does give a working idea of which signs you are most
likely to attract, and which ones are most likely to attract you -
sadly, these two things all too often don't match. Which pretty much
proves my point really - what makes a relationship work involves so
many factors - it's not all sex and shopping, but for an idea
pure astrological sex appeal check below...
elements distinguish character
'modes' - thought / intuition / sensation / feeling |
Air Signs: (
thought) Libra,
Aquarius, Gemini
will be more drawn to Fire signs & other Air signs. Earth signs
prove to stolid for quicksilver air intellects. |
Earth Signs:(sensation) Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo
Will be
more drawn to Water signs and Fire
signs. The breeziness of Air signs can prove too impersonal. |
Fire Signs: (intuition)
Leo, Sagittarius
will be
more drawn to other Fire signs, and
Earth signs. The characteristic emotional dependence of water signs can
smother fire's energy. |
Water Signs:
(feeling) Cancer,
Scorpio, Pisces
Will be
more drawn to Air signs and other
Water signs. The outgoing and flamboyant fire signs can be just too
much. |
energy, creativity and flamboyance of fire signs sees them attract a
wide range of other signs but attraction does not necessarily equate to
lasting relationships, where Water signs tend to be the most attractive
long term bet. The earth signs hallmark is dependability and
practicality, while the air signs are traditionally the most awkward to
combine with.
qualities indicate character types:
dynamic Cardinals / self-assured Fixed / changeable Mutables |
Cardinal Signs:
Aries, Cancer |
Can work
well with Mutable signs but may dominate |
Fixed Signs: Aquarius,
Taurus, Leo, Scorpio |
Get along
best with other fixed signs |
Mutable Signs: Gemini,
Virgo, Sagittarius,
Pisces |
Can find the
fixed signs to rigid and inflexible |
more often the case that you'll get on readily with
other signs of the same quality
or element,
but especially
where the quality is shared. The sharp eyed will observe that
polar opposite signs are found within each quality - eg in Cardinal you
find Libra-Aries and Capricorn-Cancer. Could it be that
really do attract? |
astrology |
to look out for - and do try to get through this with a straight face.
couldn't, so I won't blame you. Astrologically speaking, sexual
attraction is likely to exist when one partner's Venus aspects the
other partner's Mars (stop sniggering at the back). There is
strong, magnetic attraction if the Venus in one chart makes aspects to
the Uranus in the other, but negative aspects such as the square could
see the Uranus partner playing hard to get. Bite your lip because there
is yet more. Mars aspecting a partner's Neptune can generate an
imbalance of over-romanticism in the Neptune person
with an aggressively sexual Martian. And finally, when Mars
Uranus are linked there will inevitably be tension... You can say that
On a less specific level, knowledge of your own sexual 'character type'
and that of your partners can be aided by this tongue in cheek summary
of the
placements of Venus or Mars in the birth chart.
When Venus or Mars is in
sex is at it's best when it's spontaneous. These lovers are prone to
crushes, easily falling head over heels and turning life upside down
for their new amour. They have to have someone to adore. Aries type
lovers eat people like air and hate any restrictions. Often addicted to
conquest. Their heads are erogenous zones—they love it when
run your fingers through their
hair. They can be selfish
in bed, impatient and quick. They often skip through foreplay to
get right to the point. Aggressive and fast, they are nonetheless
sincere and enthusiastic if not always
constant. Their desires are powerful indeed. While other signs may be
aroused by the romance of the moment, both male and females
position are especially aroused by their partner's sexual organs, plain
simple. The sign most likely to
wake the neighbours. |
When Venus or Mars is in
turn-ons involves all of the senses. Touch
and smell are supremely important to these most physical
of sexual partners. No frills sex is quite fine, as long as
mood is
right and there is plenty of physical contact, and they don't have a
reputation for spontaneity or variety, but they are good at what they
do simply because they are truly right there with you.
Celibacy is
virtually impossible for Taurus, so finding a regular sex partner
is particularly important. Their stamina during love-making is
long-lasting and their style is natural and
physical; intellectualizing the sex act would only serve to baffle
Taurus. The
sign most likely to wear you out.
Venus or
Mars is in Gemini,
talking turns them on
- use
words in bed with them, it doesn't have to be rude but something mor
inventive than the weather forecast would be in order. They also love
to kiss! Oral
pleasures are the speciality of the house with these lovers.
Role-playing excites them, as long
as it is varied. Altogether they are great fun in bed, if you can cope
with their sudden
bursts of speech in the depths of passion. An intellectual conversation
may put you off your stride, but to them it's all a part of foreplay.
Sometimes over ambitious about what they can manage, these lovers are
highly enthusiastic and very curious, though not especially wanton and
promiscuous by nature. Their tendency to 'over-think' sexually brings
up many
"buts" and "what ifs" surrounding sex and what they might actually do.
They are less driven
by their desires than they are by their intellect. The
sign most likely to start a discussion at the most intimate of moments.
Venus or
Mars is in Cancer, you
could get one of the sweetest and most sensitive of lovers. romantic
and coyly gooey with you. Provided their switch hasn't flipped when
you'll see a pouting and slightly paranoid display, suspicous of your
motives. They are often turned on by master-slave
scenarios, and may like you to be a little mean and aggressive
bed, as long as they know you love them. They need to feel controlled,
to a point, provided your motives are overall loving. Often turned on
by the idea
of making a baby, a response to the home and family nature of Cancer,
are known as the sign most attracted to breasts - they generally like
men to be macho-masculine and their women ultra-feminine, at least in
fantasies. They
don't always let on what turns them on, expecting you to sense
their needs. Their style in bed is protective and soothing.
sign most likely to worship you.
When Venus or Mars is in Leo, you will need to express
something close to
worship! Although they will take
great care of their partners in
bed, their natural inclination is to get off themselves. Their pride
compels them to be the best in bed and this can result in very great
attention to the partner's needs. Some want a mate
they can show off, but many prefer not to have two stars in the same
and can be both possessive and extremely jealous. They may even slyly
put partners to the test. Attracted to
inequality in sexual scenarios, they won't let you always
the supporting role, they are just as attracted to seeing you on top,
as it were. These people don't easily separate love and
sex, their most
erotic fantasies are infused with love and deep affection. This often
leads to them
coming on too strong, and being impatient when their own needs are not
but their direct sexual expression, and their openness in
bed can be highly refreshing. The
sign most likely to make you feel worshipped. |
Venus or
Mars is in Virgo,
is a healthy attitude towards sex, their daily stresses and tensions
naturally released whether it's with others or just with themselves.
They are turned
on by unusual people and people who often pass unnoticed. Simple and
sweet is the way they
like their bed partners. They also get turned on by the idea that they
are your
slave and love doing little things for you, getting worked up
themselves when they see that you appreciate the things they do. They
can be insecure about
their own bodies, and make up for it by paying close attention to their
methods of turning you on. They are also drawn to imperfections and
have the best time with a partner
who shares insecurities. They'll make a project of them, and their
partner will never
feel so specially attended to with anyone else. They
insatiably curious about sex,
although many don't take their curiosity much beyond fantasy, their
fantasies often feature the
downtrodden and inexperienced.
They can be turned on by playing naughty, slutty and wicked roles -
voyeurism is
also especially appealing to these lovers, who can display a
delightfully decadent
streak - within a secure relationship. Indeed this sign is often
misunderstood and is not as picky and
particular as is thought. They want to please and like to be streetwise
in the lovemaking arena, often "doing" more than most other
within the confines of a healthy
relationship. The
sign most likely to have more than one porn dvd.
When Venus or Mars is in
extra care will be taken to please the partner. Provocative in a quiet
way, their need for balance and perfection
in their relationships may manifest itself at all the wrong moments. In
bed, they want things to be fair and balanced. They have a
strong need for change and growth in their sexual expression and are
in bed, but they fully expect you to give equally in return. Although
they can be
pushed around for a time, their lovers must be aware that the best way
to keep them happy is for everything to be fair. They can be particular
when it comes togetting the mood and atmosphere right while making love
- what many think of as Virgo traits are actually Libran. Make them
happy, however, and you have a lover who is
going to think about you and your needs. These lovers can charm the
birds out
of the trees when they want to. The
sign most likely to make you feel
guilty. |
Venus or
Mars is in Scorpio,
sexual nature can be quite complex. In fact, forget the 'can', it will
be. These lovers show
intensity and depth in their desires, but they vary in expression
depending on their changeable moods. While some enjoy power and are
attracted to
breaking taboos, willing to do almost anything, and they enjoy
full-body pleasures, others express their need for control by being
and abstaining for long periods of time, giving in only when they feel
partner is deserving of them. Most manage to be both these things and
given to keeping their partner guessing what mood they are really in.
This can be hugely and delightfully surprising, and guaranteed to be
exhausting, or just as hugley frustrating. Whatever their nature, they
have a way that promises
commitment and intensity in bed. They are provocative but private, and
absolutely the most passionate of all signs. Sex is intimate and
personal for Scorpio, and most will
never kiss and tell. The sign most
likely to give you one night you will never forget.
Venus or
Mars is in Sagittarius,
sex is treated rather like a sport. These lovers are athletic, direct
and forthcoming
with their desires and needs. They have an almost innocent frankness
them, and they love to have fun in bed. Laughing and roughhousing are
turn-ons but they can be selfish in sex, and their need to "get
off" will almost always be expressed. Games, though, are acceptable for
lovers, just as long as they are not too
time-consuming. They have
little or no patience with playing hard to get and beating around the
bush (possibly not the best choice of words on reflection). The
same goes for excessive sentimentality, possessiveness or
over-romancing. The best way to approach sex
with these people is to just do it, and then talk about it later.
Approach them with a philosophical slant and you'll have them hooked. The
sign most likely to tell you what you are doing wrong, while you
are doing it.
Venus or
Mars is in Capricorn,straightforward
sex is
generally best. Simple and lots of it. Capricorn-type lovers are often
attracted to experienced, and sometimes older,
partners - but when the Capricorn is female, especially, the
reverse can also often be the case. They often prefer strong, powerful
lovers who display some sort of
authority or know-how. Capricorn's earthy nature shows up in
style—it's generally no-frills that is most appealing to
lovers. They can
be quite happy with consistency, as variety is less important to them
than is
security in sexual expression. And quantity of it. Their sexuality is,
however, deep and powerful.
Though they are often quite private about what goes on in the bedroom
will want others to know that they are on top of things in their sex
life, if avoiding the details. The
sign most likely to have a toyboy,
or a sugar-daddy.
Venus or
Mars is in Aquarius,there
can be a "take it or leave it" style that can be sexy or maddening.
Sometimes, too, a period of demanding passion will abruptly turn into a
spell of chilly abstinence without warning. They don't have a
reputation for warmth in sex,
although they may well think otherwise because, at least in theory,
are open-minded, curious, experimental and find of sensation. They like
to give off an air of being savvy and cool in bed. Sex from
a distance - at arm's length, as it were, is often
where they shine and cyber or phone sex, or affairs that don't break
up marriages, can be especially attractive to these folks. They are
most turned
on when you are not, as detachment can be a real turn-on for them. A
challenge. Conversely, the more up for it you are, the less
will be. Unless you are miles away on the other end of a phone. The idea
of sex is generally more exciting to these lovers than the
actual act. Their fantasies often involve getting caught having sex,
and they
are attracted to people who are a little offbeat or
odd. The
sign most likely to have more than one vibrator / sex toy.
When Venus or Mars is in
flirtation is the buzz word. Generally open to all of the avenues of
sexual expression, and all the nooks and crannies, they are forgiving
and bending, and they are
generally willing to please. Often romantic and sentimental, these
lovers are
actually a bit like chameleons adapting to whoever they are with. It's
hard to pin them down to any one type.
They may talk a lot one evening, and be the most sociable person on
earth, but be withdrawn the next, needing their solitude and space. In
general, they
prefer non-verbal expressions of love.
Self-sacrifice, compassion, and even religion can be mixed into their
expression. They're very sensitive, and very forgiving. They'll
even let you go if you insist, and love you forever anyway. Although
can be shy and yielding, their lovers can sometimes find them
detached and spaced. Attracted
to the underdog, thedowntrodden and the needy, their fantasies are intricate
and detailed. The sign most likely to
make you breakfast
in bed. |